Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We Play - P Day

When planning our school holidays a few weeks ago, my eldest girl reminded me that we needed to keep the first weekday of the break free as a pyjama day. We always do this - no leaving the premises, no visitors, lots of food and fun and relaxation. It is a good way to start the time off for us all.

I pencilled in "Pyjama Day" on the calendar, when my 5-year-old musingly remarked, "Pyjama starts with a P. So does pancakes. We could have pancakes on pyjama day."
"Yeah," said the 7-year-old, catching the theme, "and popcorn and pretzels, for snacks."
"I could make a homemade pizza for lunch?" I offered.
"And we could do puzzles!" enthused Miss 5.
"Painting, make puppets..." added the eldest.
"Play outside, if it's warm enough," I put in.
"And of course read LOTS of books with P in the title!" ended Miss 5 triumphantly.

Thus, in a moment of alliterative wandering, was P-Day born.

We ate pancakes,

and pretzels,


and popcorn.

We played outside

and did puzzles.

We read P-titled storybooks

and painted a canvas of Disney Princesses

and made sock puppets (which involved teaching both big girls to make loop knots, stitch buttons, and tie off).

We played games of Patience, Pony Racing to the Rainbow, and Pictionary (Junior).

We even found time for a little television ... Pingu, naturally!

We stayed in pyjamas - or princess dress-ups - all day long.

P-Day was a roaring success in our house.


  1. It sounds like a wonderful day and a super tradition. We love pj's around here too!

  2. I was loving the idea of a PJ's day but love the idea of a P day even more!! How wonderful! Your girls are so gorgeous :)

  3. Fabulous idea!!! Loving all the fun 'P' things to do.

  4. It is amazing how many p words you fit into one day. This a great idea.

  5. P-Day sounds fantastic, I think we should hold it here (or maybe I just want some of those pancakes, yum!) :)

  6. Wow that sounds like soooo much fun!

  7. Sounds like a perfectly pleasant day!
