Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We Play - Mud Cafe

My two eldest girls decided to make an outdoor cafe yesterday afternoon. It all started out very prim and proper, with outdoor chairs, a length of purple sparkly silk for a table cloth, play food and the teaset all laid out neatly.

Then they started serving Rose Petal Soup, Weed Stew, and Grass Muffins, which created a bit of mess, but not too much.

Then someone had the brilliant idea of putting Mud Pies on the menu!

Much hilarity ensued (and a bubble bath immediately followed ;-)


  1. What FUN! Mud is a mess worth making :)

  2. Love this ...we love mud on the farm too (but not the washing)

  3. Prim and proper might seem like a good idea at the time, but we all know mud is much more fun... Great post.

  4. Brilliant, love how it evolved :)

  5. This looks like so much fun. I love it!

  6. Looks like a great time, I wonder if the neighbours will see me if we do that in the backyard? :)

  7. Oh, the freedom to jump in mud puddles! You are a great mama x
