Sunday, May 14, 2017

The week in review, the week in view: Week ended 14 May 2017

This was, on balance, definitely a better week than the last two.

I am still fighting off the remnants of my autumn cold, but I was less pulled down this week by it, just still sneezy and a bit stuffed up in the evenings. All things planned happened roughly the way they were supposed to, and by dint of working very hard on Monday and Tuesday, I was able to take a full day off on Wednesday and spend it hanging out with my husband, which was pretty excellent for both my mental and physical wellbeing.

I also spent some time this week looking into the medium-term professionally, and thinking about / talking to people about my next steps with my work. These have been interesting and fruitful conversations, and have assisted me greatly in clarifying what I want and what my options might be as I move towards the end of my current projects. I feel like broadening my client base (out of the niche I am currently working in) might be more possible than I had previously thought, and that's comforting.

Mother's Day today was, as always, exhausting, but it was very nice to see our families and spend some time together. We also celebrated my Mum's birthday and my middle daughter's family birthday, so it was a good day.

The week ahead will be focused mostly on the middle kid's birthday celebrations and on consolidating the gains of last week, I think. Hoping it is another positive one.

- 3.5 days billable work performed (Mon, Tues, Thurs pm, Fri): 1.5 days client sites
- Cat's vet appointment done: No more for a year now!
- Naplan testing: Middle and youngest
- Gymnastics (youngest) - Weds, jujitsu (eldest) - Fri, chess (middle) - Sat, ice skating (middle) - Sun
- Personal training
- Lunch with friend (Thurs)
- Mother's Day (today) - Extended family here for lunch
- Whole day off with husband - brunch, X-Files watching, conversation, tea :-)

- 3 days billable work booked (Mon, probably Tues & Weds pm, Thurs) - No client days!!
- Dedicated writing day: Friday (Aim is one short story and one poem)
- Gymnastics (youngest) - Weds, jujitsu (eldest) - Fri, chess (middle) - Sat, ice skating (middle) - Sun
- Personal training
- Cake-making of middle kid's ice skates birthday cake with friend's help (Sat)
- Birthday party for middle: 3 friends sleeping over Sat then ice skating, out to lunch, and on the Melbourne Star Observation Wheel on Sun

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