Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We Play - A Basket of Wool

A basket of leftover wool scraps, a cold couple of days, three girls and two neighbour kids, led to:

- home-made wigs in rainbow colors
- sorting games with worms of wool
- crafts galore
- several plaited hair extensions for dollies to wear
- stuffing of a paper "cushion"
- a lot less wool left in the basket at the end!

There are lots more great play ideas over at Childhood 101's We Play link up.


  1. Best of all, it can all be vacuumed up when the play is done!

  2. We are just finding our love of wool as I try to teach myself to knit and crochet. So far, the love has not been found with the two needle variety, and I am desperately being begged to teach Princess! I might just give her one of the scrap balls and see what she can come up with! :)

  3. I love the wig! It just goes to show you don't need to spend money to keep kids entertained!

  4. This makes me want to go out and buy wool just for the girls to play with. I don't knit or crochet.

    Actually we possibly have a tiny amount somewhere that I purchased when we were making glove puppets. Would be fun to add to it. I think the wig is really really cool.

  5. Giving a young child a ball of yarn could prove to be loads of fun for the child as well as the parent observing.

  6. it really is the simple things that make all the difference to children. I remember playing with and loving, my nans wool when i was a child! You can just do so much with it!!
    Great play activity!!

  7. What fantastic fun. Children are always teaching us that the simple play ideas are the best.
