Saturday, June 26, 2010

Winner - ABBA World passes

The kids and I are still on an unbreakable ABBA kick after Sunday's trip to ABBA World. We're working our way through the albums, rediscovering (in my case) and discovering (in theirs) some cracking good songs. ABBA put out some duds, yes, but their win-to-fail ratio was, I would still contend, very impressive, especially given the conditions under which they worked. (Which you can find out all about at ABBA World!)

I was equally entranced by the responses of those who shared their favourite ABBA song and in the end I had to let fate pick the winner, as I liked all the answers too much to choose one. Random selection by virtue of child-drawn piece of paper with comment number on it was ...

commenter 4, Penni, who loves The Winner Takes it All - both ironically and without irony - which, as she points out, "is a very happy post-modern state of being."

Penni, drop me an email at kathypllrd24 AT with details of where I can send the passes and I'll get them off to you tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the exhibition a lot!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am the winner who takes it all!

    How ironic.

    Thanks Kathy.
