Thursday, January 26, 2017

26 January Villanelle (Poem)

Australia / Invasion Day villanelle. I always do a fairly depressing villanelle for 26 Jan.

Unfiltered sun and drowning dirty rain,
Climate is not weather, and it's turned;
So much lost, so little common gain.

The nation calibrated now to train
All angst and fearing on the Other, spurned;
Unfiltered sun and drowning, dirty rain.

Everyone is told now that our pain
Is self-induced, not born of wealth unearned;
So much lost, so little common gain.

Echoes of the dark past in refrain,
Power feeds itself and is returned;
Unfiltered sun and drowning, dirty rain.

The hungry and the desperate wait in vain,
While politicians argue who gets burned;
So much lost, so little common gain.

The world swings right, and we move in the lane,
Home-grown callousness both born and learned;
Unfiltered sun and drowning, dirty rain,
So much lost, so little common gain.

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