Saturday, January 26, 2013

Month of Poetry #26: An Australia Day inspired villanelle

all the nations wave their flags and sing
on their days of celebration, wine and cheers
the cost occluded, no true remembering.

politicians stand on platforms, glibly bring
a well-worn story of smooth faceless years
all the nations wave their flags and sing.

from pubs and parks, anthems are blaring,
and pundits breathe out bile with their beers
the cost occluded, no true remembering.

the narrative is fractured with aching
and seasoned with the salt of all the tears
all the nations wave their flags and sing.

to own the darker weave is called bleeding
heartedness, as if that naming smears
the cost occluded, no true remembering.

to hope for better is a loving thing
a fierceness for potential, beyond fears,
all the nations wave their flags and sing,
the cost occluded, no true remembering.

- Kathy, 26/1/2013

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